Tenocolumn Method has been distinguished as the Vietnamese corporate standard, TCCS

(Cement Deep Mixing method)


TENOCOLUMN (Cement Deep Mixing method)

Tenocolumn method is a technology to stabilize soil by forming a column of soil hardened with a binder like as CDM (Cement Deep Mixing) in Vietnam. Tenocolumn is a high quality soil cement column produced by mechanically agitating and mixing the soil with slurry cement being injected into the soil. The binder slurry is prepared with water and cement accurately weighed and mixed in the plant to ensure its stable quality. The produced soil cement increase its strength and durability by its own hardening reaction, which securely supports the superstructure for a long. In the Tenocolumn (CDM) method, soil columns are produced on site using in-situ soil and well match with the surrounding soil.


Design perspective

Design perspective

Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing) is considered as a “direct foundation” which is bearing the construction load. With Tenocolumn pile, construction load will be transmitted down to loaded soil layer. When designing the Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing), the first step is to calculate the bearing capacity of the ground, and then the strength of the Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing) pile will be calculated accordingly.
When considering a plan of using Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing), it is necessary to obtain the accurate data on geological conditions. Based on this data combined with the construction load, we could carry out calculation and design of the Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing).

Tenocolumn is a method of reinforcing soft soils, using Cement Deep Mixing (CDM). This method has been applied on over 39,000 projects (excluding residential houses), affirming the prestige trademark on such features as quality and reliability.


High-quality & High-strength by efficient mixing and advanced execution management.

High safety: Mechanization reduces dangerous work. Construction do not create large holes.

Time & Cost saving.

Multi-application: TENOCOLUMN (Cement Deep Mixing) is applicable for a wide range of soils such as sandy soil, highly cohesive clay, loam, unsolidified peat.

Low pollution: low-noise, low-vibration, less surplus soil.



TENOBLADE to prevent untreated soil mass to co-rotate with the agitator:

Set the agitator on the rod and start rotation.


Drill to the specified depth of dry excavation (dry excavation proccess.)


Drill while discharging cement milk (excuvation/ injection/ agitation/ mixing of soil to be improved).


After completion of the injection proccess (agitation/mixing of soil to be improved), stop injection. Turn the rod rotational direction in reverse, start the rod with draw proccess (agitation/mixing).


Complete the TENOCOLUMN proccess.


TENOCOLUMN method has been adopted in many construction projects as reliable building foundation. Nowadays, it is flexibly applied in various sites such as residential buildings, infrastructures …

Application of TENOCOLUMN
(Reference: “Issues and Countermeasures against Ground Disaster by Earthquake”; June 2011,
The japanese Geotechnical Society)

Appropriate conditions

Appropriate conditions

Maybe Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing) could not meet all geological conditions. But within the works listed below, Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing) would bring a lot of economic benefits.


1-8 floors house(such as workshop, warehouse, low floor)


The depth of soil layer should be improved from 3~7m


Standard Penetration Test, N = 5~20


Small area (100m2~) due to limited works nearby.


As proof for the high quality of TENOCOLUMN, many tests have been carried out at project sites in Japan. All the test results are satisfactory with the quality and bearing capacity requirements.

These achievements result from our construction experiences and the optimization of cement mixing, corresponding to the soil conditions at project sites.


Construction pictures

Registered Enterprise standard

Baseline standard

Registered Enterprise standard (TCCS) is standard that has been clarified on issues of technical criteria & requirement which are involed in safety and quality of product. Currently, ground improvement (soil improvement) technology has not been clearly regulated yet in terms of design and construction management in TCVN, so it is rarely used as foundation method for construction works.

Therefore, this time we associate with IBST and UTC to compile and issue TCCS for the Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing) technology. By clarifying the contents of the design and construction management, we hope this technology will always bring our customers assurance in using it as a foundation solution for their construction.

Law on Technical Code and Standards

In June 2006, the Law on Technical Code and Standards No. 68/2006/QH11 was promulgated and came into effect on January 1, 2007, whereby the issues of technical code and standards were clearly defined as National Technical Regulations (QCVN) with Local Technical Regulations (QCDP), National Standards (TCVN) and Institutional/Enterprise Standards (TCCS). For the construction industry, it is nescessary to base on these standards and regulations in designs and construction.

Name of standard and code Mandotary application Overview Standard establishment/Standard
QCVN Yes National mandatory standard in environment, safety, ... Ministries of Vietnam
QCDP Yes Mandatory standards of local government Local authorities
TCVN No National standards which base on reality are not compulsory Institute of Building Science and Technology- Ministry of Construction
TCCS No Companies and organizations may designate themselves Domestic organizations and enterprises (standards promulgated by competent agencies)
  • Law of Construction standards in Vietnam is based on the basic principles of TCVN.
  • For Institutional/Enterprise Standards (TCCS), it is necessary to have the process of testing for verification Tenocolumn (Cement Deep Mixing) technology has been tested in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.


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